List of Localization Tokens

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This is a list of all localization tokens, used in the game to support multiple languages. You can use them in tooltip triggers, area names, and more.

Splash Screen

Token English
splash_loading Becoming self-conscious...
splash_loading_audio Absorbing auditory organs...
splash_loading_audio_progress Absorbing auditory organs (??%)...
splash_initializing_systems Eating a person...
splash_loading_sprite_tex Absorbing visual cortex neurons...
splash_loading_character_anims Growing eyes...
splash_loading_level_tex Growing even more eyes...
splash_finalizing Growing tentacles...
splash_loading_level Cultivating biomass to spread...
splash_finished_loading Slithering...
splash_platform_auth [??] Trying to sign in
splash_platform_auth_failed [??] Sign in failed.

Main Menu

Token English
menu_continue CONTINUE
menu_new_game NEW GAME
menu_credits CREDITS
menu_demo DEMO
menu_load_game LOAD GAME
menu_options OPTIONS
menu_exit EXIT

Xbox Menus

Token English
menu_xbox_identified_user Identified user:
menu_xbox_change_user Change user
menu_xbox_controller_disconnected Controller disconnected. Reconnect it and press ??.
menu_xbox_start_game Start Game


Token English
ugc_navigate_and_select Select a DLC/mod (?? / ??) and press ??
ugc_base_game CARRION - Base Game
ugc_load_mod MOD LOADER
ugc_downloading Downloading...
ugc_workshop WORKSHOP


Token English
dlc_navigate_and_select_consoles Select a DLC (?? / ??) and press ??
dlc_main_menu_consoles DLC

Pause Menu

Token English
menu_pause_label Pause menu:
menu_pause_return Return
menu_pause_toggle_debug Toggle debug
menu_pause_save_last_checkpoint Save last checkpoint
menu_pause_load_game Load game
menu_pause_options Options
menu_pause_exit_to_menu Exit to menu

Save/Load Checkpoint

Token English
menu_save_last_checkpoint Save last checkpoint:
menu_save_back Back
menu_load_last_checkpoint Last checkpoint:
menu_load_label Load:
menu_load_back Back
loading LOADING
saving SAVING

Save Files

Token English
savefile_checkpoint Checkpoint
savefile_quicksave Quick-Save
savefile_save_1 Saved game 1
savefile_save_2 Saved game 2
savefile_save_3 Saved game 3
savefile_save_4 Saved game 4
savefile_save_5 Saved game 5
savefile_save_6 Saved game 6
savefile_save_7 Saved game 7
savefile_save_8 Saved game 8
savefile_empty [empty]
savefile_unknown_time [unknown time]
savefile_backup Checkpoint Backup
savefile_working Please wait...


Token English
popup_load_are_you_sure Are you sure you want to load ??? Any unsaved progress will be lost.
popup_new_game_are_you_sure Are you sure you want to start a new game? Your last checkpoint will be lost.
popup_exit_to_menu Are you sure you want to quit? Any unsaved progress will be lost.
popup_video_settings_changed Do you want to keep these video settings?
popup_save_overwrite Do you want to overwrite ???
popup_quit_credits Are you sure you want to quit?


Token English
menu_options_label Options:
menu_options_controls Controls
menu_options_video Video
menu_options_audio Audio
menu_options_gameplay Gameplay
menu_options_back Back
menu_options_apply Apply
menu_options_restore_defaults Restore defaults
menu_options_unsaved_changes Unsaved settings detected. What would you like to do with them?
menu_options_enabled On
menu_options_disabled Off


Token English
menu_options_controls_label Controls:
menu_options_controls_general General settings
menu_options_controls_general_label General settings:
menu_options_vibration_xbox Vibration:
menu_options_vibration_nswitch Rumble:
menu_options_vibration_ps Vibration:
menu_options_gamepad_smoothing Smoothing:
menu_options_controls_compatibility Gamepad brand/compatibility:
menu_options_controls_brand_auto Auto
menu_options_controls_brand_xbox Xbox 360/Xbox One
menu_options_controls_brand_playstation PSX/PS2/PS3/PS4
menu_options_controls_brand_nintendo NES/SNES/Wii
menu_options_controls_brand_nswitch Nintendo Switch
menu_options_controls_brand_nswitch_pro Pro Controller
menu_options_keyboard_mouse_controls Keyboard + mouse controls:
menu_options_monster_controls Monster
menu_options_human_controls Human
menu_options_gamepad_controls Gamepad controls:
menu_options_monster_kb_label Monster controls (keyboard + mouse):
menu_options_monster_gamepad_label Monster controls (gamepad):
menu_options_human_console_label Human controls:
menu_options_human_kb_label Human controls (keyboard + mouse):
menu_options_human_gamepad_label Human controls (gamepad):
menu_options_monster_console_label Monster controls:
menu_options_key_prompt Press a key or mouse button to bind it to:
menu_options_gamepad_prompt Press a button on your gamepad to bind it to:
menu_options_gamepad_prompt_xbox Press a button on your controller to bind it to:
menu_options_gamepad_prompt_nintendo Press a button on your controller to bind it to:
menu_options_gamepad_prompt_nswitch Press a button on your controller to bind it to:
menu_options_gamepad_prompt_nspro Press a button on your controller to bind it to:
menu_options_gamepad_prompt_ps Press a button on your controller to bind it to:

Monster Controls

Token English
controls_monster_move Move:
controls_monster_look Aim/look around:
controls_monster_tentacle Grow tentacle:
controls_monster_grab Grab items:
controls_monster_grab_tentacle Grow prehensile tentacle:
controls_monster_interact Use/Activate:
controls_monster_offensive Offensive skill:
controls_monster_defensive Defensive skill:
controls_monster_impersonation Parasitism:
controls_monster_impersonation_OLD Impersonate:
controls_monster_roar Echolocation/Roar:
controls_monster_roar_OLD Roar/Growl:

Human Controls

Token English
controls_human_move_climb Move/Climb:
controls_human_look Aim/look around:
controls_human_walk_left Walk left:
controls_human_walk_right Walk right:
controls_human_climb_up Climb up:
controls_human_climb_down Climb down:
controls_human_run Run:
controls_human_interact Use/Activate:
controls_human_offensive Shoot:
controls_human_defensive Activate shield:
controls_human_end_impersonation End Parasitism:
controls_human_end_impersonation_OLD End impersonation:


Token English
menu_options_audio_label Audio:
menu_options_audio_sound_volume Sound effects volume:
menu_options_audio_music_volume Music volume:
menu_options_audio_decompress_on_load Decompress samples on startup (restart required)


Token English
menu_options_video_label Video:
menu_options_video_resolution Display resolution:
menu_options_video_desktop_resolution Desktop
menu_options_video_fullscreen Fullscreen:
menu_options_video_fullscreen_hw Exclusive fullscreen mode:
menu_options_video_vsync Vertical sync:
menu_options_video_gamma Gamma:
menu_options_video_brightness Brightness:


Token English
menu_options_gameplay_label Gameplay:
menu_options_gameplay_hud_enabled HUD's visibility:
menu_options_gameplay_language Language:
menu_options_debug_info_enabled Diagnostic info:


Token English
language_en EN
language_pl PL
language_ger DE
language_sp ES
language_fr FR
language_ptbr PT-BR
language_ru RU
language_jp JP
language_ko KO
language_tch ZH-HANT
language_sch ZH-HANS


Token English
font_default Fonts/DefaultFont
font_menu_large Fonts/MenuLarge
font_menu_small Fonts/MenuSmall
font_small Fonts/Small


Token English
analog2d_mouse Mouse
analog2d_left_stick Left Stick
analog2d_right_stick Right Stick
analog2d_dpad D-Pad
analog2d_left_stick_xbox Left Stick
analog2d_right_stick_xbox Right Stick
analog2d_dpad_xbox Directional pad
analog2d_left_stick_nintendo Left Stick
analog2d_right_stick_nintendo Right Stick
analog2d_dpad_nintendo Directional pad
analog2d_left_stick_nswitch Left Stick
analog2d_right_stick_nswitch Right Stick
analog2d_dpad_nswitch Directional buttons
analog2d_left_stick_nspro Left Stick
analog2d_right_stick_nspro Right Stick
analog2d_dpad_nspro +Control Pad
analog2d_left_stick_ps Left Stick
analog2d_right_stick_ps Right Stick
analog2d_dpad_ps Directional buttons

Modal Popup

Token English
modal_popup_ok OK
modal_popup_cancel Cancel
modal_popup_cancel_timer Cancel (?? s)
modal_popup_yes Yes
modal_popup_no No
modal_popup_apply Apply
modal_popup_confirm Confirm
modal_popup_discard Discard


Token English
credits_copyright CARRION Copyright © 2017-2020 by
credits_publisher Published by
credits_made_with_monogame and Monogame Framework
credits_made_with_fmod Made with FMOD Studio by Firelight Technologies Pty Ltd.
credits_directed_by Directed by
credits_game_design Game Design
credits_programming Programming
credits_game_art Game Art
credits_level_design Level Design
credits_environmental_art Environmental Art
credits_additional_environmental_art Additional Environment Art
credits_key_art Key Art
credits_music_direction Music Direction
credits_music Music
credits_music_preparation Music Preparation
credits_mixed_by Music mixed by
credits_music_performed_by Music performed by
credits_sound_design Sound Design
credits_lead_idea_guy Lead Idea Guy
credits_idea_guys Idea Guys
credits_lead_marketing Lead Marketing
credits_legal Legal Counsel
credits_producers Producers
credits_business_meetings Pointless Business Meetings
credits_voice_actors Voice Actors
credits_dog_voice_actors Dog Voice Actors
credits_quality_assurance Quality Assurance
credits_special_thanks Special Thanks
credits_very_special_thanks Very Special Thanks
credits_thanks_for_playing Thanks for playing!
credits_additional_sound_design Additional Sound Design
credits_xmas Carrion: GTOY level & environment design



Token English
area_overworld FRONTIER
area_overworld_1 FRONTIER - WASTELANDS
area_overworld_2 FRONTIER - MARSHLANDS
area_overworld_3 FRONTIER - HIGHLANDS
area_command_center CONTROL ROOM
area_mines URANIUM MINES
area_weapons_facility ARMORED WARFARE FACILITY
area_bunker BUNKER
area_bunker_excavation_site BUNKER - EXCAVATION SITE
area_bunker_pier BUNKER - PIER
area_bunker_jungle_outpost BUNKER - JUNGLE OUTPOST
area_bunker_caverns BUNKER - CAVERNS
area_ending EPILOGUE
area_containment_unit CONTAINMENT UNIT No. ??
containment_units_count CONTAINMENT UNITS: ?? OUT OF 9

Level Summary

Token English
level_gates Seals breached:
level_secure Status: SECURE
level_breached Status: BREACHED
level_destroyed Status: DESTROYED
level_optional Containment unit:
level_jars Biomass samples lost:



You can use these with Tooltip Triggers to display certain controls' icons, like in the main game's tutorials.


  • [[controls:look]]
  • [[controls:interact]]
  • [[controls:offensive]]
  • [[controls:defensive]]


  • [[controls:move]]
  • [[controls:tentacle]]
  • [[controls:roar]]
  • [[controls:impersonation]]


  • [[controls:run]]
  • [[controls:moveUp]]
  • [[controls:moveDown]]
  • [[controls:moveLeft]]
  • [[controls:moveRight]]


Token English
tooltip_jar_break_keyboard [[controls:move]]
tooltip_jar_break_controller [[controls:move]]
tooltip_movement_keyboard Hold [[controls:move]] to move.
tooltip_movement_controller Use [[controls:move]] to move.
tooltip_grab_and_interact_keyboard Hold [[controls:tentacle]] to grab objects.
Move [[controls:look]] to interact with them.
tooltip_grab_and_interact_controller Aim with [[controls:look]] and hold [[controls:grab]] to grab objects.
Pull [[controls:look]] to interact with them.
tooltip_grab_humans_keyboard Grab humans with [[controls:tentacle]].
Pull them towards you to consume them.
tooltip_grab_humans_controller Aim with [[controls:look]] and hold [[controls:grab]] to grab humans.
Release [[controls:look]] to pull them towards you and consume them.
tooltip_consume_humans Consume humans to regain biomass and grow in size.
tooltip_roar Roar with [[controls:roar]] to taunt enemies.
tooltip_roar2 Use [[controls:roar]] to echolocate nearby hive crevices.
tooltip_offensive_skills [[controls:offensive]]: offensive skills.
tooltip_biomass_retrieval Grab and consume the cocoon to retrieve biomass.
tooltip_impersonation_probe Press [[controls:impersonation]] to launch the tentacle probe.
tooltip_human_walk_keyboard Use [[controls:moveLeft]] and [[controls:moveRight]] to move.
tooltip_human_walk_controller Use [[controls:moveLeft]] and [[controls:moveRight]] to move.
tooltip_human_run_keyboard Hold [[controls:run]] to run.
tooltip_human_run_controller Hold [[controls:run]] to run.
tooltip_human_climb_keyboard Use [[controls:moveUp]] and [[controls:moveDown]] to climb ladders.
tooltip_human_climb_controller Use [[controls:moveUp]] and [[controls:moveDown]] to climb ladders.
tooltip_human_shoot_keyboard Use [[controls:look]] to aim, [[controls:offensive]] to shoot.
tooltip_human_shoot_controller Use [[controls:look]] to aim, [[controls:offensive]] to shoot.

Dot Matrix Display

Token English
demo1_dotmatrix_attention --- ATTENTION! --- Unknown biological structure found beneath the complex. An unknown species of a large worm (?) was observed. It effortlessly ripped off a strong piece of grating and crawled into our vent system. It appears to be fast and strong. Shoot it on sight and remain extra cautious.
demo1_dotmatrix_work Thank you for taking the time to read this message. Now get back to work!
demo1_dotmatrix_employees Feeding the employees is not allowed. Feeding on the employees is allowed.
dotmatrix_biological_threat --- WARNING! --- Unknown biological threat detected. Stay alert.
dotmatrix_order_shoot ORDER: Shoot everything that moves and does not appear human.
dotmatrix_seek_refuge --- ATTENTION! --- The Hazardous Waste Landfill below the Military Junkyard has not been breached. All surviving members of the uranium mining team are urged to seek refuge there.
dotmatrix_mine_shafts --- CAUTION! --- Unprotected mine shafts in this area.
dotmatrix_deep_shafts --- DANGER! DEEP SHAFTS --- Don't run | Don't walk backwards
dotmatrix_authorized_personnel --- CAUTION! AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY --- No admittance without authorization.
dotmatrix_automated_drone --- WARNING! --- This facility is protected by the Automated Drone Defense System. Unauthorized entry is prohibited.
dotmatrix_keep_calm Keep Calm and Carry On
dotmatrix_cleanup_crew TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE BIOHAZARD CLEAN-UP CREW: Please proceed to the Leviathan Reef Base and commence the decontamination process ASAP!
dotmatrix_fire_operations --- WARNING! FIRE OPERATIONS --- Watch out for: Active fire | Dense smoke | Rolling debris | Falling trees and limbs
dotmatrix_laser_in_use --- CAUTION! LASER SCANNER IN USE --- Do not stare into beam.
dotmatrix_water_facility --- NOTICE --- The Fenestra (TM) OS is malfunctioning again, resulting in an emergency shutdown of the doors to the Bridge. Our best IT guy is already working on a fix. The Bridge is inaccessible until further notice.
dotmatrix_turret_operative --- DANGER! --- The turret's shield is OPERATIVE and may FRY incautious maintainers within seconds.
dotmatrix_order_shoot2 ORDER: Shoot everything that moves and displays any signs of suspicious activity.
dotmatrix_power_plant --- WARNING! --- This is a nuclear power plant. Unauthorized entry to this property may be construed as a threat to the safety of this facility, its workers and the general public. Security personnel are authorized to use deadly force. TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT.
dotmatrix_radiation_hazard --- CAUTION! RADIATION HAZARD ---
dotmatrix_unexploded_munitions --- DANGER! NO TRESPASSING --- Possible unexploded military munitions.


Token English
interaction_unspecified ??
interaction_deposit_biomass ?? Deposit Biomass
interaction_activate_checkpoint ?? Spread Biomass and Save
interaction_save_game_biomass ?? Save and Retrieve Biomass
interaction_save_game ?? Save
interaction_use_core ?? Insert the Core
interaction_end_level ?? Squeeze In
interaction_portal ?? Squeeze In
interaction_upgrade ?? Squeeze In
interaction_end_game ?? Squeeze In
interaction_open ?? Open
interaction_close ?? Close
interaction_get_in ?? Mount
interaction_sequence_entrance ?? Squeeze In


Token English
skill_upgrade_notification New DNA Absorbed
skill_upgrade_unknown No data available.
skill_morphing_in_water Hydrophilia
skill_morphing_in_water_desc1 Morph into a swarm of worms. Pass through tight spots.
skill_energy_level Electrosis
skill_energy_level_desc1 Maximum energy level increased.
skill_energy_level_desc2 Maximum energy level increased.
skill_energy_level_desc3 Maximum energy level increased.
skill_energy_level_desc4 Maximum energy level increased.
skill_fire_resistance Pyrophilia
skill_fire_resistance_desc1 Fire resistance increased.
skill_fire_resistance_desc2 Fire resistance increased. It takes longer to set the biomass afire.
skill_impersonation Parasitism
skill_impersonation_desc1 Assume direct control of other organisms.
skill_grab Polycheiria
skill_grab_desc1 Grow a second prehensile tentacle.
skill_grab_desc2 Grow a third prehensile tentacle.
skill_grab_OLD Grab
skill_grab_desc1_OLD Grab various things. Devour enemies. Throw stuff.
skill_echolocation Echolocation
skill_echolocation_desc1 Locate edible corpses.
skill_light_bending Photokinesis
skill_light_bending_desc1 Bend light to create an invisibility cloak. Requires energy to use.
skill_cobweb_shooting Arachnoptysis
skill_cobweb_shooting_desc1 Shoot a cobweb to trap your victims or interact with objects.
skill_spike_armor Acanthosis
skill_spike_armor_desc1 Grow hundreds of deadly keratin spikes. Requires energy to use.
skill_dash Xiphorrhea
skill_dash_desc1 Damage vent covers and wooden walls. Slash enemies.
skill_dash_desc2 Damage brick barriers.
skill_dash_desc3 Damage metal barriers.
skill_keratosis Keratosis
skill_keratosis_desc1 Grow a thick and strong layer of keratin. Requires energy to use.
skill_keratosis_desc2 The keratin layer's strength increased.
skill_tentacle_vortex Harpagorrhea
skill_tentacle_vortex_desc1 Sends out a destructive vortex of sarcous harpoons. Pulls objects upon retracting the tentacles.
hud_button_hold (HOLD)


Token English
class_any Any class
class_unknown Unknown class
class_tadpole Tadpole
class_infiltrator Infiltrator
class_enforcer Enforcer
class_exterminator Exterminator
class_behemoth Behemoth
class_dark_tadpole Dark Tadpole
class_dark_infiltrator Dark Infiltrator
class_dark_enforcer Dark Enforcer
class_dark_exterminator Dark Exterminator
class_dark_behemoth Dark Behemoth


Token English
seq_interaction_examine ?? Examine
seq_interaction_plant_c4 ?? Plant C4
seq_interaction_pull ?? Pull
seq_interaction_pick_up_lever ?? Pick up Lever Rod
seq_interaction_place_lever ?? Insert Lever Rod
seq_interaction_collect_samples ?? Collect Samples
seq_interaction_pick_up_key ?? Pick Up Cell Key
seq_interaction_unlock ?? Use Cell Key
seq_interaction_pick_up_weapon ?? Pick Up Stun Gun
seq_interaction_release ?? Unchain
seq_interaction_strange_moss [a patch of antediluvian moss]
seq_interaction_strange_moss_worms [an unidentified species of Tubifex worms]
seq_interaction_skeleton_skull_split_open [cause of death: massive head trauma]
seq_interaction_heli [Relith Heli model 859]
seq_description_skeleton [a disorganized mass of bones and dry tissue]
seq_description_jammed_door [it won't budge]
seq_description_lever_missing [the lever is missing a rod]
seq_description_door_locked [it's locked]
seq_description_strange_skeleton [calcified remains of a Cyclopean entity of unknown origin]

Greatest Time of Year

Token English
xmas_1 Relith Science wishes all their employees and the giant tentacle monster a Merry Christmas!
xmas_2 --- THIS IS NOT A DRILL --- WARNING! INTRUDER ALERT! Locate the closest armory or panic room and lock the door until help arrives. --- THIS IS NOT A DRILL ---
xmas_3 --- ERROR 39-90 --- Could not fetch display message --- Please contact someone from the Relith Science IT Department to fix this issue. ---

Workshop Tutorial

Token English
workshop_welcome Welcome to the Official Carrion Workshop Level Creation Tutorial!
workshop_topic1 Topic 1: The Basics
workshop_topic2 Topic 2: Tile Editing
workshop_topic3 Topic 3: Objects and Scripting
workshop_topic4 Topic 4: Styling
workshop_topic5 Topic 5: Creating an Overworld
workshop_topic1_tip1 Launch UGCToolkit (located in the game's root directory) to create and manage your custom levels.
workshop_topic1_tip2 Create a new project and select <Browse local files>.
workshop_topic1_tip3 Open Levels/name_of_your_level.json in Tiled Map Editor to edit the level's layout. Open Scripts/name_of_your_level.cgs in your favourite code editor to add scripts to your level.
workshop_topic1_tip4 If the game is running, you can load your level using the MOD LOADER option in the main menu or by typing 'load_level name_of_your_level' in the console. Otherwise launch it via <Play> in the UGCToolkit.
workshop_topic1_tip5 Launch the console with the tilde key (~) and type 'set_setting debug_hotkeys_enabled 1'. This will enable additional shortcuts that will come in handy while you're creating your level.
workshop_topic1_tip6 Use F2 and F4 to cycle between the regular <Play> and the free camera <Edit> modes. You can edit the level and its script while it's running - the game will automatically reload the level each time you save your changes.
workshop_topic2_tip1 Open Levels/name_of_your_level.json in Tiled Map Editor to edit the level's layout.
workshop_topic2_tip2 Select tiles from the Tilesets toolbar and place them using the Stamp Brush (B) tool. You can also use the Terrains toolbar to quickly sculpt Collisions and Overlays.
workshop_topic2_tip3 To create Collisions, place tiles on the Foreground Layer. Modify the Background Layer to create/remove openings in the background wall.
workshop_topic2_tip4 Use Foreground_Details and Background_Details Layers to place decorative Overlays in your level.
workshop_topic2_tip5 Ladder tiles can be placed on either the Background or Background_Details Layers.
workshop_topic2_tip6 One-way pipes are a type of tiles too! Place them on the Foreground Layer.
workshop_topic3_tip1 Open Levels/name_of_your_level.json in Tiled Map Editor to place Objects in your level.
workshop_topic3_tip2 Select View -> Object Type Editor. In the Editor's window, select File -> Choose Object Types File and open Carrion/Content/ObjectTypes/object_types.json to enable color-coding objects in Tiled.
workshop_topic3_tip3 Select the Chambers Layer. Grab a system/chamber.json Template from the Templates toolbar and place it in your level to create a new Chamber.
workshop_topic3_tip4 Grab any other Object Template from the Templates toolbar and place it in your level within the boundaries of a Chamber. Make sure to select the right Layer for that Object Type!
workshop_topic3_tip5 In UGCToolkit, find the Official Workshop Tutorial and click <Browse local files>. Use Tiled to open Levels/workshop.json and analyse the Chambers ahead, and see which Object Type goes on which Layer.
workshop_topic3_tip6 Most Objects require a Script Connection to work, e.g. 'door1_switch -> door1;'. Open Scripts/name_of_your_level.cgs in your favourite code editor to add Scripts to your level.
workshop_topic3_tip7 Some Connections may require additional operators, such as (AND()), (OR()) and (NOT()). Check the Properties toolbar in Tiled for Custom Properties that can also affect an Object's Connection.
workshop_topic3_tip8 Browse local files of the Official Workshop Tutorial again - open workshop.cgs in a code editor to analyse this level's Script and see how to connect different Objects to one another.
workshop_topic3_tip9 Tip: With the debug hotkeys enabled, you can use PgUp and PgDn to change the monster's size at will.
workshop_topic3_tip10 Tip: You can pre-equip the monster with some skills by setting their level to 1 in Map -> Map Properties.
workshop_topic3_tip11 ---CATEGORY 1: DOORS, SWITCHERS AND OPERATORS---
workshop_topic3_tip12 ---CATEGORY 2: ENEMIES AND TRAPS---
workshop_topic3_tip13 ---CATEGORY 3: BIOMASS INTERACTIONS---
workshop_topic4_tip1 Select a Chamber, and check OverrideBgGenerator and OverrideFgGenerator in its Custom Properties. Change the values of BgTexture and FgTexture to set the main theme of the Chamber (e.g. 'Lab1').
workshop_topic4_tip2 You can also utilise Subchambers to mix in different textures withing the same Chamber. Each Subchamber in this area showcases a different texture pack in its default state.
workshop_topic4_tip3 Modify the values of AmbientColor and Bg/FgGenHue/Saturation/Value of the parent Chamber to create different themes. Visit the Chamber below to see example variants of the 'Jungle1' texture set.
workshop_topic4_tip4 Utilise different types and colours of lighting to further enhance the looks of your levels. Note: regular Lights should be placed on the Lights Layer, whereas Lamps belong on the Objects Layer.
workshop_topic4_tip5 Decorations and Destructibles are another useful tool at your disposal. Note: some Types of Objects (ropes, chains, vines etc.) are 'verlets' - place them on the Verlets Layer.
workshop_topic4_tip6 Fog and eternal_fog are extremely flexible and can be used to simulate not only different kinds of fog, but also such phenomena as steam, wind, rain and sun rays.
workshop_topic4_tip7 Consider using a Parallax while creating openings (windows, crevices etc.) in the Background.
workshop_topic4_tip8 Last but not least - the soundscape. You can place various Sound Emitters on the AmbientSounds Layers, and set different musical themes for each Chamber via their Music and MusicAction Custom Properties.
workshop_topic5_tip1 Create a new level and make sure it's placed in the same folder as the rest of the levels of your mod. Add a Hive to that Overworld level with Level set to 'name_of_your_level' and IsOverworldEntry checked.
workshop_topic5_tip2 Pair the Hives in your non-overworld level with the right Goal by providing its ID as the value of the Hives' UnlockedGoalID. Use the same value as EntrancePreference of the Hive you put in your Overworld.
workshop_topic5_tip3 Type in the name of your Overworld level in the Goal's NextLevel Custom Property. Make sure the EntrancePreference value matches the ID of the Hive you added to your Overworld.
workshop_topic5_tip4 You can create an area discovery message by providing the text you want it to display as the AreaName Custom Property of a Chamber.
workshop_topic5_tip5 The data in the Level Summaries fills in automatically. All you have to do is provide 'name_of_your_level' in the LevelName Custom Property and define AreaName, which will be visible on the Summary's display.
workshop_topic5_tip6 To create a Pipe leading to the next level, add a Hive, check IsOverworldGoal, and type in 'name_of_your_next_level' in its Level Custom Property.
workshop_topic6_tip1 Feel free to open the campaign's levels in Tiled and analyse their scripts to see how various visual effects and gameplay scenarios were achieved.
workshop_topic6_tip2 We used the exact same tools to create all the levels of the main game, so there's nothing stopping you from creating a full-blown custom campaign of your own!
workshop_topic6_tip3 You can also utilise Lua scripts to code human gameplay akin to the flashback sequences from the main game or even add completely new custom assets of your own!
workshop_topic6_tip4 Last but not least - thank you for showing interest in the Carrion Workshop! Now keep those mods coming!