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The path of completing Carrion as fast as possible has led multiple runners into finding skips, techniques and glitches that, while not always consistent, have led to more and more timesaves.

This guide will explain the basics that are used in most, if not all categories, as well as the current routes and skips being used.



The goal of this category is to finish the game as fast as possible, with no restrictions when it comes to glitches and skips.

Any% No Major Glitches

The goal of this category is to finish the game as fast as possible, without using any major glitches or skips.


  • Relith Laser Skip

Not allowed:

  • ETAB
  • Early Reef


The goal of this category is to finish the game as fast as possible, while getting all Containment Units, with no restrictions when it comes to glitches and skips.



Skipping cutscenes

When the monster enters a Hive Checkpoint for the first time, a cutscene is played showing the progress in opening the Goal/Exit. To skip this cutscene, you can simply wait for the SAVING icon to show up and then reload that same checkpoint.

This can also be used to skip not being able to move after leaving a Flashback Sequence machine, or the animation of breaking the seal of the Exits.

Cursor positioning

When using the mouse to select options in a menu, the game selects the one closest to the cursor. At the same time, the position you left the cursor at when you last paused the game will be the same as when you pause the game again, even if you moved it during gameplay.

Using those 2 properties together, you can set the cursor to the top of the screen at either the Main Menu or the Pause menu, and everytime the game is paused, it will select the first option in the list (just like when using a controller). This not only increases consistency but also reduces the amount of keystrokes needed.

  • Reloading a checkpoint: ESCENTERENTERENTER
  • Quitting to Main Menu: ENTER